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Trafficking & HIV/AIDS

With TAHA/ UNDP India (Advocacy) TRAFFICKING & HIV/AIDS campaign used a variety of materials to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking. The poster series was an intervention in major hotspots frequented by the migrant workforces across the country. Return Ticket, the newsletter was used…

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Sex workers In Cinema

With TAHA/ UNDP India (Advocacy/ Documentation) TRAFFICKING & HIV/AIDS campaign used a variety of materials to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking. The publication serves two purposes, that of documenting the character of sex worker in Hindi Cinema and use the publication as an…

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ME BY ME: Self Portraits of the lives of Sex Workers

With TAHA/ UNDP India (Advocacy/ Documentation/ Gender) ME BY ME was a self-documentation project for the sex workers to document their lives. A series of photography workshops with sex workers were conducted by TAHA and all the participants were then facilitated with a camera. Me…

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Together We Can End All Violence Against Women

With OXFAM GB (Advocacy/ IEC/ Gender/ VAW) WE CAN is a multi-media campaign addressing the problem of gender-based violence in South Asia. Various interactive visual materials across genres were made to create a platform for discussion on gender-based issues. Documenting community-based interventions like community radio,…

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Small Actions, Big Changes

With OXFAM GB (Advocacy/ IEC/ Gender/ VAW) WE CAN is a multi-media campaign addressing the problem of gender-based violence in South Asia. Various interactive visual materials across genres were made to create a platform for discussion on gender-based issues. Documenting and acknowledging the role of…

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Breakthrough Tri-Continental Film Festival

With BREAKTHROUGH (Advocacy / Publicity) Two consecutive editions of the Human Rights film festival were a challenging task to work around strong films on rights, struggles, dissent and protest from across the world. Materials created: Posters Festival Catalogue Publicity Materials Skills used: Design Print Production…

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With CENTER for CATALYZING CHANGE (formerly CEDPA India) (Advocacy/ Gender) PAHEL is a program engaging with women in roles of governance. Various advocacy materials were created highlighting the voices that have stood up, been elected and then have brought changes in the system with a…

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Life Positive

With UNDP India (Advocacy/ Documentation) LIFE POSITIVE brings together a range of celebrities, activists, leaders who have stood up, spoken up in support of the HIV/ AIDS. This advocacy notebook serves two purposes, that of documenting the individuals and their perspectives on the issue and…

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Brave & Angry

With IPPF SAR (Advocacy) BRAVE & ANGRY is the mission statement of IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Foundation)engaging on issues of Planned Parenthood, HIV, Gender, health care. Visually articulating and documenting the statements of the larger program mission the communication has been typographically designed to create…

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UNDP Highlights

With UNDP India (Advocacy/ Documentation) UNDP HIGHLIGHTSputs together the range of issues UNDP India has been involved with. Thisadvocacy notebook documents the issues and programs with illustrations of case studies from the grassroots. The publication acts as an effective advocacy tool as it shows the…

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